Saturday, 25 April 2009

Sustainable Energy - without the hot air


Dedication Preface (p.viii) (p.ix)

10-page synopsis: (pdf)

I Numbers, not adjectives [pdf]
1 Motivations [html]
2 The balance sheet [html]
3 Cars [html]
4 Wind [html]
5 Planes [html]
6 Solar [html]
7 Heating and cooling
8 Hydroelectricity [html]
9 Light [html]
10 Offshore wind [html]
11 Gadgets [html]
12 Wave [html]
13 Food and farming [html]
14 Tide [html]
15 Stuff [html]
16 Geothermal [html]
17 Public services [html]
18 Can we live on renewables?
II Making a difference [pdf]
19 Every BIG helps [html]
20 Better transport [html]
21 Smarter heating [html]
22 Efficient electricity use
23 Sustainable fossil fuels?
24 Nuclear?
25 Living on other countries' renewables?
26 Fluctuations and storage [html]
27 Five energy plans for Britain [html]
28 Putting costs in perspective [html]
29 What to do now [html]
30 Energy plans for Europe, America, and the World
31 The last thing we should talk about [html]
32 Saying yes [html]
IIITechnical chapters
A Cars II
B Wind II
C Planes II
D Solar II
E Heating II
F Waves II
G Tide II
H Stuff II
IVUseful data
I Quick reference
J Populations and areas
K UK energy history