Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Scotland - Overall Energy and Associated CO 2

Source: Scottish Energy Study: Volume 1: Energy in Scotland: Supply and Demand. Crown Copyright

6 Overall Energy and Associated CO 2

Having discussed energy demand and supply separately in earlier sections, this section builds a picture of how supply feeds through to meet demand. The sub-sections cover:
  • Representing energy flows diagrammatically via Sankey diagrams.
  • Summarising the balance of supply and demand.
  • Primary energy.
  • How Scotland compares with the UK.
6.1 Energy Flow in Scotland
One powerful method of representing complex energy flow patterns is by using Sankey diagrams. A series of Sankey figures are included overleaf to illustrate:
Figure 18: The big picture: Scottish energy inputs, production, consumption and exports.
Figure 19: Main overview of energy flows in Scotland 50.
Figure 20: Energy supply in Scotland: the top-down 'supply' detail.
Figure 21: Electricity sector energy flow in Scotland: electricity generation detail.
Figure 22: Final energy by sector in Scotland: the bottom-up "demand" detail.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Visualising sustainability

How to convey the essence of sustainability in a few sketched lines?

the source for this whole blog post is a March 2009 extract from

Computing for Sustainability by Samuel Mann 


Saving the earth one byte at a time

How to convey the essence of sustainability in a few sketched lines?    I’m wading through the net and my bookshelves to find examples of the genre.    I’m looking for schematics of the notion of sustainability itself rather than the underlying science -greenhouse, carbon, meso climate processground water etc for which there are a zillion diagrams.
The list is not meant to be exhaustive, but if I’ve missed your favourite diagram, leave a link and I’ll add it to the list.   Many of these images are duplicated all over the web, I’ve tried to find original sources (try tineye, is really cool), but again, let me know if I’ve missed something.  
In no particular order, here’s 100 125 137 158 of what I’ve found. 
1. Stong Sustainability
“This model recognises that the economy is a subset of society (i.e. it only exists in the context of a society), and that many important aspects of society do not involve economic activity. Similarly, human society and the economic activity with it are totally constrained by the natural systems of our planet” (NZ PCE quoted by Pam Willams (PhD)