Saturday, 2 February 2008

The Little Book of Civilisation 2

What is Civil Engineering?
The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) members are well aware of what they do, and the contribution their work makes to society. They have defined civil engineering as"a vital art, working with the great sources of power in nature for the wealth and well-being of the whole of society. Its essential feature is the exercise of imagination to engineer the products and processes, and develop the people needed to create and maintain a sustainable natural and built environment. It requires a broad understanding of scientific principles, a knowledge of materials and the art of analysis and synthesis. It also requires research, team working, leadership and business skills. "

A Civil Engineer is someone who practises all or part of this art. But do the general public really understand the diverse work of civil engineers?

"The Little Book of Civilisation" explains how the work of civil engineers touches the lives of people around the world. It has been produced by ICE as a direct response to the membership requirement for raising the profile of the profession.

The booklet contains illustrated case studies covering all the disciplines of civil engineering,

ranging from the Eden Project to Hong Kong International Airport and the WaterAid Ethiopian Project. A combination of high quality photography, inspiring copy and mind-boggling facts and figures will engage every reader.

We remember great civilisations such as the Romans, Egyptians and Maya - all were able to develop building techniques and systems to support life. Today, civilisation relies more than ever on teams of inventive people to design, build and maintain the sophisticated environment that surrounds us.

This booklet looks at the amazing ways civil engineers overcome the challenges of creating and maintaining infrastructure for us, and for future generations.

Click here to download The Little Book of Civilisation 2 (2381 Kb)